
Photo credit: Isaac de la Higuera

I am a London based photographer although I love to travel and I'm willing to go anywhere to shoot.  My father is a professional photographer and I have learnt all I know from him.  I have taken photos all my life and it is one of my greatest loves which is why I decided the time had come to make it a professional pursuit.

What sets me apart from other photographers is my ability to catch a specific moment in time that captures a lasting memory.  I do traditional group photos for weddings where required but I prefer to shoot photos that recount the tale of the wedding day.  During the wedding day itself I try to be unobtrusive however not at the cost of missing vital shots.  With portraits I aim to create a candid and real depiction of the person rather than an abundance of clichéd poses.

I love people and this is why for me successful photography means reflecting true personalities in my pictures.